Copyright protects the following categories of works:
- literary works: novels, short stories, poems, dramatic works and any other writings, irrespective of their content (fiction or non-fiction), length, purpose (amusement, education, information, advertisement, propaganda, etc.), form (handwritten, typed, printed; book, pamphlet, single sheet, newspaper, magazine); whether published or unpublished; in most countries “oral works,” that is, works not reduced to writing, are also protected by the copyright law;
- artistic works: whether two-dimensional (drawings, paintings, etchings, lithographs, etc.) or three dimensional (sculptures, architectural works), irrespective of content (representational or abstract) and destination (“pure” art, for advertisement, etc.);
- derivative works: translations, adaption’s, arrangements and other transformations or modifications of works; and collections of works and databases, whether in machine, readable or other forms; and collections of expressions of folklore provided that such collections are original by reason of the selection or arrangement of their contents.
Basically Copyright protects any work as long as they are ORIGINAL intellectual creations and they fall under the specified category of works under the Copyright Act.