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Trademark Template

What is a trademark?


A trade mark is a marketing tool if developed and nurtured may become the most valuable asset of your business. The public will identify a certain quality and image with goods and services bearing your trade mark. It is important to have a distinctive trade mark should you wish to introduce a new product or service and want to establish an image for it.


However, note that not all trade marks can be registered. Under the Trade Marks Act, a trade mark is not registrable if it’s not capable of distinguishing your goods or services from same or similar goods or services of other traders in the market place. Trade marks similar to earlier marks or those that would mislead the public will be difficult to register.


This is why you should do a search of our Trade Mark Registry before using a new trade mark and before filing an application to register it. The search could also save you trouble and money by alerting you to existing trade marks which are so similar to the one you plan to use, that you may face legal action from the owners of those trade marks.


Advice and assistance when applying for a trade mark, and professional searches of the IPOPNG’s Trade Marks Registry, are available from trade mark firms and agents listed under Local IP Agents.

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I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Test One